O how the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ sustains us through all, in all, and above all things! And so in the midst of crazy, busy, and blessed time I have found the grace of Jesus constantly holding me up, teaching me, breaking me under his mighty and loving hand, and simply granting me rest in his arms. He is so GOOD!!!!! May all of you who find the time to read this update and testimony of Jesus’ grace be blessed and know that the GRACE our lover and Savior is sufficient. January and February has been a time of much activity, but even more than the outward busy-ness, it has been a time of learning how to lean on, depend on, and love the grace he gives us to rest in Him and know all is in His great, lovely, scarred hands..
Emily and I traveled to
March For Life
Every year on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade (Jan 22), thousands of people gather in o cry out for life. David and I were asked to lead worship and intercession for the rally. Thousands of people, young and old, stood in at the bottom of the steps of the Supreme Court and sang, “Let Your Kingdom Come… Let Your Will Be Done… Let Justice Roll… On Earth As It Is In Heaven!” There is a generation rising that has been awakened in understanding to the implication of 50 million innocent lives and urgency of the hour in which we live. I believe we will see the ending of abortion in
21 Days of Prayer and Fasting
Starting January 26th, 2007 we entered into an intense season of prayer and fasting in preparation for Awaken The Dawn and for understanding of what the Lord is doing and saying in this hour. We went for 21 days 24/7 and I took over the “nightwatch” which was from 12am-6am. The nightwatch is definitely a wilderness of sorts. All kinds of people show up in the middle of the night to be in the presence of the Lord, just because the doors are open. The poor, broken, drunk, angry, and depressed came and found a home in the shadow of His wings. It is important to realize that we were not praying to get God’s favor or even for Him to bless our conference. The 21 days was a time of searching and returning, realizing our extreme poverty and desperation for him. Our aim was find God’s heart and partner with Him in all that He was and is going to do. We were not praying enough so God would be happy but to position ourselves in a place of weakness and waiting on Him. Laying down our plans, agendas, and ministry ideas before the Lord and asking for His plans and His ways; positioning ourselves for Him to pour out His Spirit on all flesh. Oh how we desperately need to return to the knowledge of God! In an age where the primary contested issue around the globe is the existence of Christ and the power of His name, I am burning to raise up a generation with a real revelation of Christ and an understanding of the times they live. We have to value this life of seeking in prayer and the word more that any conference or movement. I talk more in depth on this subject on the Awaken The Dawn podcast.
Awaken The Dawn
Awaken the Dawn in the annual conference we hold in ce arrived and I could hardly believe it had finally snuck up on us after so much preparation. I hardly know, how after so much prayer and worship, and beautiful time with Jesus, what to write about it all! It was all so much!! Jesus came. He heard our feebly whispered prayers, saw the hunger of our hearts, and came and kissed us with His presence! Sons and Daughters were saved, healed, and delivered. We have heard such amazing testimonies of God healing people from cancer and all sorts of sickness and disease. Youth groups that came are going back to their cities and preaching the gospel, prophesying, and laying their lives down for Jesus.
I am excited as we move forward with the House of Prayer vision in Fredericksburg, VA. Starting Monday, March 12, we are preparing to run 12 hours a day worship and intercession. In addition to the prayer we will begin to send teams out of the furnace into the city to minister to the poor and homeless, to high schools and hear universities, to the marketplace, and to the dark places. Recently, some of our young leaders opened a prayer room that is running 9 hours a day in their local high school. There are already reports of unbelievers meeting the Lord in a powerful way. More Lord! We are yearning to train and release young revivalists who will burn with the gospel and do whatever it takes to bring transformation to their cities, schools, and workplaces. Pray for us!
On The Horizon…
Emily and I are heading to
I love you all. Please call me (251) 533-6430 or email me and let me know how you are.
Keep the faith,
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